Duck genealogy

character identification, ducks, mice, etc.

Postby Egg » Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:52 am


last updated: 18-09-2005

preliminary investigation
be cautious of typos

- falcon farragut (1944, April 1) WDC 47
- cowpunchin' (1944, December 1) WDC 55
- The Hard Loser (1945, May 10) OS 29
- Best Christmas (1945, August 31) FSG '45
- The Old Castle's Secret (1947, December 3) OS 189
- Race to the South Seas (1948, December 15) MOC 41
- Donald's Grandma Duck (1950, January 19) VP 1 (art-only)
- A Christmas for Shacktown (1951, March 15) OS 367
- cornelius coot statues (1951, July 12) WDC 138
- the philosophy of flipism (1952, June 30) WDC 149
- heirs at end of rainbow (1952, December 24) WDC 155
- case of horse-radish (1953, February 26) OS 495
- Heirloom Watch (1954, November 11) US 10
- wind businesses (1955, April 28) WDC 187
- seventy-five candle-power globe (1955, June 2) US 12
- lightning bolt in lead box (1955, September 1) US 13
- snow statues contest (1955, December 22) WDC 196
- money bin progress (1956, February 9) US 15
- Back to Long Ago (1956, April 26) US 16
- powerful dye calamity (1956, July 5) WDC 201
- master of the mississippi (1957, January 10) USGD 1
- The Money Well (1957, August 22) US 21
- Hound of the Whiskervilles (1959, July 11) US 29
- The Madball Pitcher (1959, September 12) OS 1095
- The Village Blacksmith (1960, January 15) WDC 239
- That's No Fable (1960, May 12) US 32
- The Training Farm Fuss (1960, August 8) OS 1161 (art-only)
- The Day the Farm Stood Still (1960, August 8) OS 1161
- Log Jockey (1962, March 15) WDC 267
- The Invisible Intruder (1962, December 26) US 44 (art-only)
- Lost Beneath the Sea (1963, May 27) US 46
- The Not-so-ancient Mariner (1966, January 5) WDC 312
- King Scrooge the First (1966, June 22) US 71
- Duckmade Disaster (1971, July 30) JW 14

family trees
- Duck Family Tree [1] (early 1950s)
- Tree [2] (1991, March 31)
- Tree [3] (1991, April 22, more or less)


falcon farragut (1944, April 1) WDC 47

Donald: "It's from uncle Eider Duck! Must be a present of some kind!"

Donald: "A falcon! I'll be doggoned!"

Donald: "This card says his name is Farragut!"

cowpunchin' (1944, December 1) WDC 55

Donald: "Only ten more miles to cousin Cuthbert Coot's cattle ranch, where I'll SHOW you how much I know!"

Donald: "Hi, cousin Coot! I've come down to help you during spring round-up!"
Cuthbert: "Swell, Donald! Saddle a hoss an' start right in!"

nephew 1: "What's the shortest ride"
nephew 2: "ever made on Rattlesnake,"
nephew 3: "cousin Coot?"
Guthbert: "ONE HALF A SECOND, boys!"

The Hard Loser (1945, May 10) OS 29

Donald thinking: "Maybe I can borrow grandpa's old buggy horse!"
Donald talking: "Come on, kids!"

Donald: "HEY! Why, those little scamps! They've got the same idea! They're tryin' to beat me to grandpa's!"

Donald: "Goodby, boys, I'll see you at grandpa's!"

Jon the Junkman: "It's Huey, Dewey, and Louie! What's wrong, boys!"
neefje 1: "We were goin' to borrow grampa's horse for the screwbal derby,"
neefje 2: "but Unca Donald"
neefje 3: "beat us to it!"

box: "After registering grandpa's horse with the racing steward, Donald stables him at the fairgrounds. [...]"

Best Christmas (1945, August 31) FSG '45

Donald: "I'll rent a horse and sleigh, and we'll all drive to grandma's house!"

Donald and nephews, singing: "Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go -"

grandma: "I brought presents for everybody, and turkey with all the fixin's! Let's CELEBRATE! YIPPEE!"

The Old Castle's Secret (1947, December 3) OS 189

Scrooge: "The treasure is in Scotland! I only know it's SOMEWHERE in the huge old castle of Dismal Downs, which I own, as the last of the clan McDuck!"

Scrooge: "GHOSTS? Aye, lads - aplenty! It is said that the ghost of old Sir Quackly McDuck, who hid the treasure in the eleventh century, stands guard over its hiding place!"

Scrooge: "Generations of McDucks have searched for the treasure! But I believe that I, the last of the clan, have the means of finding it!"

Scrooge: "How about it, Donald? Are you going to prove worthy of kinship to the FEARLESS clan McDuck?"
Donald: "Okay! Okay! I'll show you that I'm not afraid of anything!"

(Donald are Scrooge are both cowards. They claim to have asthma.)

box: Comes a gloomy morning on the misty moors of Scotland!"
Scrooge: "There it is, lads! The ancestral home of the clan McDuck!"

...: "It looks deserted!"
[Scrooge]: "It is, except for the caretaker, Scottie McTerrier, an old and trusted employee!"

nephew: "Wow! What's this - a MUSEUM?"

Scrooge: "No, boys! Those suits of armor were the battle gear of generations of my feudal ancestors!"

nephew: "This one was worn by Sir Eider McDuck! Killed by the Saxons in a siege in 946!"

nephew: "Here's one from 1205! Sir Roast McDuck! Died from overeating after robbing the king's pantry!"

Donald: "Which of these suits belonged to Sir Quackly?"
Scrooge: "None of these! He disappeared, armor and all, during the siege of 1057! Legend has it that he sealed himself in the walls, along with the treasure!

box: "The X-ray machine is put to work!"
Scrooge: "We'll start here! This room was Sir Quackly's armory!"

nephew: "Armor and bones! It's SIR QUACKLY!"

Scrooge: "An old Roman jewel case! That MUST be it - the TREASURE!"

Scrooge: "Millions in gold and gems! It's the McDuck hoard! No doubt of that!"

Scrooge: "Old Viking clasps! Norman rings! Coins from the mints of Rome! This is worth BILLIONS!"

nephew: "There WAS a door here! Where did it lead to?"
caretaker: "To the DUNGEONS!"

caretaker: "Sir Swamphole McDuck had the door sealed in 1220, and, if another entrance to the dungeons exists, it's location hae been a lost secret for centuries!"

nephew 1: "These suits of armor would be good hiding places for the jewels!"
nephew 3: "We'll look down their throats!"

nephew 1: "This one - hey! There's a SKELETON in this one!"

nephew 1: "How come ONE of all these old McDuck's wasn't buried with the rest?"
nephew 2: "Why was he left in his armor?"
nephew 3: "Who was he?"

nephew 1: "I'll see - Sir SWAMPHOLE McDUCK!"

nephew 1: "We've heard his name somewhere before!"
nephew 2: "Sure! Scottie mentioned him!"
nephew 3: "He's the guy that sealed up the dungeons - if that means anything!"

Donald to Scrooge: "Get going! Sir Quackly won't hurt YOU - you're one of his kinfolks!"

Scrooge: "To think that I, the last McDuck, must enter my own castle like a trembling trespasser!"

nephew 1: "Nothing around here but clumps of heather that wouldn't hide anything!"
nephew 2: "What's that over there?"
nephew 3: "Looks like a cementry!"

nephew: "It's the McDuck's old burial grounds!"

nephew 1: "Sir Eider McDuck!"
nephew 2: "Sir Stuft McDuck!"

nephew: "Hey! Here's something interesting - SIR SWAMPHOLE McDUCK!"

nephew 1: "So it is! Sir Swamphole's marker!"
nephew 2: "He's the guy that WASN'T buried!"
nephew 3: "So what?"
marker: [Si]r Swamp[hole] McDuck herioc old coot

nephew 1: "Remember, we're looking for the secret tunnel, and that tunnel would have to enter the castle by way of the DUNGEONS."
nephew 2: "Sure! And Sir Swamphole is the guy that sealed the dungeons! There IS a connection!"

nephew 1: "He sealed them so enemy SPIES wouldn't find the tunnel! But I bet he made ANOTHER way to get into the dungeons from the castle!"

nephew 1: "WE'VE FOUND IT! This phony grave is the outer end, and the other end'll be somewhere close to where Sir Swamphole is standing in the castle!"
nephew 2: "Brother Dewey, I hope you're not screwy!"

nephew: "A door ahead! I hope it isn't the one Sir Swamphole sealed!"

nephew 1: "Nope! It's the secret entrance!"
nephew 2: "The pillar behind Sir Swamphole!"

Scrooge: "Scottie, my old faithful servant! You tried to steal my treasure!"
caretaker: "I ain't Scottie! I'm Diamond Dick, the jewel thief!"

caretaker: "Scottie died months ago, and I pretended to be him so I could get a chance at this hoard!"
Donald: "I knew all the time your Scotch accent was phony!"

caretaker: "I knew about the treasure because me third wife was a McDuck on her great grandfather's side!"

caretaker: "Yes! Coises! It took me six months to find that mole hole, and you kids found it in six minutes!"

Race to the South Seas (1948, December 15) MOC 41

Donald: "Listen, cousin Gladstone Gander, MY side of the family has always been better than your side!"
Gladstone: "How would I know? Us GANDERS have never sunk low enough to associate with you DUCKS!"

Donald: "Among us Ducks are great lawyers, statesmen, doctors -"
Gladstone: "Phooey! Mere TOILERS! Us Ganders have NEVER worked!"

Donald: "And my uncle on my mother's side is Scrooge McDuck, the richest man in the world!"
Gladstone: "So what?"

Gladstone: "Scrooge McDuck is MY mother's brother's brother-in-law, and I'm going to get a BIG cut of his fortune, too!"

Sylvester: "Say, aren't you Gladstone Gander, son of Scrooge McDuck's sister-in-law?"
Gladstone: "Sure! Who's suing me now?"

Scrooge: "I *LIKE* that! And as for you, Gladstone, I'm NOT your uncle, and I don't WANT to be RESCUED!"
Gladstone: "But - your plane crashed - and -"

Donald's Grandma Duck (1950, January 19) VP 1 (art-only)

Grandma: "GUS! GUS GOOSE! I heard you slam that cupboard door!"
Gus: "Uh-h-did you call me, mum?"

Grandma: "Of all the no-good hired hands, Gus is the prize!"

Grandma: "I'd fire him in a minute if he wasn't my nephew!"

Gus: "Uh-h-where ya headed now, Grandma Duck?"

(Gus zegt "mum" en "Grandma Duck")

A Christmas for Shacktown (1951, March 15) OS 367

Donald, about getting five dollars from Scrooge: "I know! I SHAME it from him! Where's the old family album?"

Donald: "Ah! Here's what I want - a picture of old Jake McDuck, Uncle Scrooge's OWN uncle!"

Donald: "These whiskers should make me look just like him!"

Scrooge: "WHO in blazes are you?"
Donald, as Jake: "Your POOOR-R auld uncle Jake, Scroogie, me b'y! Don't ye rrrrememberrrr me?"

Scrooge: "Oh, SURE I do! DEAR old uncle Jake, who dandled me on his knee when I was a babe in Scotland!"

Scrooge: "I also remember the shilling I loaned you SIXTY YEARS ago, you old deadbeat!"

Scrooge: "That shilling at compound interest and at the present rate of exchange amounts to --"


Donald: "I shoulda looked up uncle Jake's past!"

cornelius coot statues (1951, July 12) WDC 138

mayor: "We want to erect a statue of Cornelius Coot, the FOUNDER of our fair city!" [Duckburg]

mayor: "It would pay our DEBT to that brave old pioneer who carved this flowering townsite from the thorny wilderness!"

the philosophy of flipism (1952, June 30) WDC 149

Daisy: "I don't know HOW you knew I was here visiting my sister, but it's ABOUT TIME you showed up!"

Daisy: "Very well! But my three little NIECES are going WITH us!"
nieces: "We wanta see that horror picture - "Gore In The Gully"!"

(Daisy's sister lives in a dead-end street, on number 1. Possibly in Dizzy St., of in Coma Way. See panels 8.7, 9.1 en 9.7.)

heirs at end of rainbow (1952, December 24) WDC 155

Scrooge: "My only relatives are my nephew, Donald, and his nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, and my distant nephew, Gladstone Gander!... What a collection!"

case of horse-radish (1953, February 26) OS 495

box: "In 1753, The "golden Goose", bound from Glasgow to Jamaica, sank without warning off the soutern tip of Haiti!"

box: "Because of this sinking, a man appears in Scrooge McDuck's office two hundred years later!"
Chisel: "Mr. McDuck, this paper is a COURT ORDER that gives me EVERY cent you have in the world!"

Scrooge: "So it does! It says I will be allowed to keep only one old suit of clothes! You will be given ALL of my other possessions!"

Chisel: "It further states that you must give me any TEETH you have - if you have any!"
Scrooge: "So it does!"

Scrooge: "By the way, just WHO ARE YOU, sir?"
Chisel: "*I* am CHISEL McSUE, last heir of the clan McSue! But to REALLY know who I am, READ that paper!"

Scrooge, reading: ""In the year 1753, Swindle McSue, plaintiff, did contract with captain Seafoam McDuck, defendant -"

Swindle: "You, capt. McDuck, agree to transport this case of horse-radish to Jamaica in your ship "the Golden Goose"!"
Seafoam: "For the fee of two shillings, yes!"

Seafoam: "I misplaced my spectacles! What does that SMALL PRINT say?... Oh, well, never mind!"

box: "Three weeks later, the "Golden Goose" and the horse-radish are on their way to the bottom!"
Seafoam: "She just seemed to bust open - and all I saved were my gold teeth!"

box: "When captain McDuck returned to his home in Scotland -"
Seafoam: "Swindle McSue! What are YOU doing in MY house!"

Swindle: "See! The SMALL PRINT pledges ALL your worldly possessions to ME in the event you failed to deliver the horse-radish!"

Swindle: "And those possessions include your GOLD TEETH! Hand them over!"

Scrooge: "And so because MY ancestor wouldn't give YOUR ancestor a set of gold teeth, *I* have to give YOU EVERYTHING I OWN!"
Chisel: "It is the LAW! Heh! Heh!"

Scrooge: "See! You cannot take possession for THIRTY days - and NEVER if I can fullfill the terms of the original contract!"

Scrooge to Donald and nephews: "And so I have thirty days in which to produce those golden teeth, or else -"

Donald: "Have you any idea what became of them?"
Scrooge: "Yes! I USED THEM to start my fortune! That's were he has me by the legal nose!"

Scrooge: "They were the only heirloom handed down to me by my forefathers! I sold the gold for enough money to buy a prospector's outfit!"

Scrooge: "Yes! I have to deliver the ORIGINAL CASE OF HORSE-RADISH to Jamacia!"

Heirloom Watch (1954, November 11) US 10

Scrooge: "Besides being the owner of world's greatest FORTUNE, I am also the owner of the world's greatest WATCH!"

Scrooge: "This old ticker has been in the McDuck family for TWO HUNDRED YEARS!"
Donald: "And it's STILL RUNNING?"

Scrooge: "Absolutely! It ran faithfully for my grandfather and his grandfather, and has run faithfully for ME, for many, many years!"

messenger: "Cablegram for Mr. Scrooge McDuck!"

Scrooge: "It's a message from a law office in SCOTLAND!..... Well, whaddaya know!"

Scrooge: "I've been named sole HEIR to my great uncle Quagmire McDuck's estate - if I can prove myself to be a TRUE McDuck!"

Scrooge: "It says here that, in order to prove my claim, I must bring with me -"

Scrooge: "Oh, my stars! The old McDuck heirloom WATCH - in GOOD RUNNING CONDITION!"

Scrooge: "No telling how much uncle Quagmire's estate will amount to!"

Scrooge: "But I bet it's a TIDY SUM!"

Scrooge: "The old boy never spent a CENT in his life that I can remember!"

Scrooge: "And I'm sure he never GAVE anything away!"

Scrooge: "I may need a ship to haul the hoard back from Scotland!"

box: "One week later, in Scotland!"
sign: McEagle, McEagle, McHawk, McCrow, and McChicken barristers

Scrooge, to barristers: "Sirs, I am Scrooge McDuck, whom you cabled about the McDuck estate! This watch will prove that I am the rightful heir!"

Scrooge: "Your papers are in order, Mr. McDuck, and this watch certainly appears to be the one mentioned in the will!"

barristers: "But the will's writer demanded that the watch be TESTED to see if it is in GOOD RUNNING CONDITION!"

Scrooge: "He felt that a TRUE McDuck would have used the watch so CAREFULLY, it would still be like new!"

Scrooge: "I *HAVE* used it carefully! I even paid ten cents to have it OILED in 1915!"

barrister: "The estate consists of this tiny RUBY, which fits exactly into the eye of the left-hand STAG on the back of the case!"

wind businesses (1955, April 28) WDC 187

Scrooge: "My nearest of kin are Donald and that no-good Gladstone! If one of those two had any BUSINESS ABILITY, I'd give him the job!"

seventy-five candle-power globe (1955, June 2) US 12

Scrooge: "Come on in! I'm celebrating my seventy-fifth birthday with a CAKE!")

lightning bolt in lead box (1955, September 1) US 13

Gyro: "I'm going into the power business! See?"

mickey's nephew 1: "Oh, boy! Here comes your first CUSTOMER!"
mickey's nephew 2: "Granny Duck! She's always getting the batteries charged in her old electric auto!"

(Mickey's nephews originally were Donald's nephews. Barks removed them at the editor's request.)

snow statues contest (1955, December 22) WDC 196

nephew 1: "The mayor is hep on HISTORY!"
nephew 2: "So all we have to do is whip up a statue of old Cornelius Coot, the founder of Duckburg, and we're in!"

money bin progress (1956, February 9) US 15

Scrooge: "My money bin stands on the best site in Duckburg, and it will ALWAYS stand there!

Scrooge: "I bought this land when there was nothing within fifty miles but a fort on the Tulebug River!"

Scrooge: "I've built my fortune here and watched the city grow up rich and busy around me!"

Scrooge: "It's thriving city, always changing, and spreading and shifting around!"

Scrooge: "But here on my ten acres, I never change! I just get a little richer each year! My BIN and my GROUND and my WAYS will stay the same forever!"

Scrooge to road surveyors: "There'll be no turnpike through MY LAND, squint-eyes! My money bin and I have been here for SEVENTY YEARS, and we're STAYING!"

Back to Long Ago (1956, April 26) US 16

Scrooge, to hypnotist: "I'll make you a DEAL, professor! If you'll waft me back into the LONG AGO, I'll tear up that bill!"

hypnotist: "You are ASLEEP! Presto! You're speeding back through time - back - back - BACK!

Bo'sn Pintail: "Captain wants to bury this CHEST eh, Matey McDuck?"
Matey McDuck: "Aye! On this bloomin' island, Bo'sn Pintail!"

Bo'sn Pintail: "'e didn't say what was in it, did 'e, Matey?"
Matey McDuck: "Nay! But any fool can guess 'tis RICHES from the Spanish treasure ship we dunked off Trinidad!"

Bo'sn Pintail: "The ROYAL SEAL is on the lock! I suppose 'tis SPECIAL LOOT for good queen Bess!"

Matey McDuck: "Wag a civil tongue, Bo'sn Pintail! Her majesty's captains never take LOOT - they take WAR PRIZES!"

Bo'sn Pintail: "Anyway, the chest is so valuable we are to bury it on this islet whilst we raid westward along the Spanish main!"
Matey McDuck: "Aye, Pintail! The captain thinks it will be SAFER here during our dangerous voyage!"

Bo'sn Pintail: "And IF our ship RETURNS, we will dig up the chest and take it on to London to the queen?"
Matey McDuck: "That is the plan, Pintail!"

Bo'sn Pintail: "And what if the ship sinks, and WE are the only survivors?"

Matey McDuck: "As gentlemen and sailors in the service of the queen, we would recover this treasure and deliver it to her majesty in person!"
Bo'sn Pintail: "I expect we would, Matey McDuck!"

Matey McDuck: "We will forever protect this treasure for the queen! And, come that may, neither of us will ever CHEAT the other of his fair share of her majesty's reward!"
Bo'sn Pintail: "Or of the treasure!"

Matey McDuck: "Come! Let us finish covering the chest! Then off we sail to the SPANISH MAIN!"


Scrooge: "Or, rather, I'm off to an island in the Caribbean! I'm pretty sure that four hundred years ago I was Matey McDuck of the British navy and that I buried a CHEST OF TREASURE there!"

Scrooge: Y'know, Donald, you RESEMBLE a sailor I once met!.... I wonder how you'd look with an eye patch!"

Donald: "I wonder how YOU'D look in a PLUMED HAT and wearing a CUTGLASS!"

Scrooge: "Donald is the reborn BO'SN PINTAIL! He knows where the treasure is by having been levitated into the past the same as I was!"

box: "Donald tells of how his hypnotist wafted him back into history, and of how, wonder of wonders, he WAS Bo'sn Pintail, just as Uncle Scrooge has it figured!"

nephew 1: "Well, we're not going to let you go off the deep end without checking a few of the angles!"
nephew 2: "Yes! First - WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE SHIP?"

Donald: "I could see the name on the bow as we rowed to the beach!" It was - uh - it was - - the 'FALCON ROVER'!"

Donald: "The date was *DECEMBER 6, 1564*! I remember Matey writing that on the MAP he drew!"
nephew 1: "Wow! That was almost four hundred years ago!"

Donald, pointing at globe: "Right about THERE! A day's sail northwest of Trinidad!"
nephew 1: "LONELY Island!"

nephew 1: "Uh, oh! Unca Donald was right! This book, "Early History Of The English navy", mentions the FALCON ROVER!"

nephew, reading book: ""Man 'o war, forty-one guns, captain loyal Hawk; raided Spanish shipping in the Caribbean 1563-64!""

nephew: "Unca Donald never reads these old books! He COULDN'T have known those things!"

nephew 1: "And look at THIS!"
nephew 3: ""The LAST DAYS of the Falcon Rover!"

nephew 1: "You WEREN'T DREAMING, Unca Donald!"
nephew 3: "The Falcon Rover COULD have been at Lonely Island on that date!"

nephew 1: "We also found an item that almost PROVES the chest is still there!"
nephew 2: "You mean that I - Pintail and McDuck - NEVER CAME BACK?"

nephew 1: "The Spanish navy reported that its galleons sank the Falcon Rover WITH ALL HANDS three leagues west of Curacao on December 9, 1564!"
Donald: "THREE days after leaving the island!"

Donald: "Poor Pintail! I could tell when I was him that we would come to no nice end!"

Scrooge, to Donald: "I'm your old bucko man, Matey McDuck! REMEMBER me?"

Donald: "You're forgetting our VOW! Remember we said that neither of us would ever cheat the other of his fair share of the treasure!"
Scrooge: "*I* never made such a vow!"

Scrooge: "You must be thinking of a couple of sailors who lived 392 years ago! Toodle-de-oo!"

powerful dye calamity (1956, July 5) WDC 201

box: "At the city park!"
mayor: "We are here to dedicate this lovely FOUNTAIN to the memory of Cornelius Coot, who piped MOUNTAIN WATER to Duckburg!"

mayor: "With a flick of this valve I shall turn on a DISPLAY of the clear, blue, sparkling liquid that his foresight made the heritage of every Duckburgian!"

master of the mississippi (1957, January 10) USGD 1

Grandma: "Why were you so anxious to get on this paddle wheeler before seeing anything else, Scrooge?"
Scrooge: "Memories, Grandma - memories! I once owned a boat like this!"

Scrooge: "YOU - Blackheart Beagle and your brawling sons? Why, you KNOW my Dilly Dollar is the FASTEST steamer on the river!"

(176-671, 176-167, 176-617)

Scrooge: "My engineer was Ratchet Gearloose, grandfather of the great inventor, Gyro Gearloose!"

brawling son: "We Beagle Boys saw you from down the river! We saw you get a TELEGRAM!"


The Money Well (1957, August 22) US 21

box: "In the center of the biggest open space in Duckburg stands Uncle Scrooge McDuck's huge money bin!"
Scrooge: "Yes, nephew, I keep this ground open around my bin so that nobody can come near it without being seen!"

Scrooge: "I paid only ONE dollar for these glasses in Scotland in 1885! Why should I pay TEN dollars now?"

Scrooge: "Oil rigs! They COULD'NT be! I pumped all the oil from under Duckburg twenty years ago!"

nephew: "By the way, Unca Scrooge! What ARE these rocks that seem to lie in a sort of square pattern?"

Scrooge: "They're a confounded NUISANCE, I'd say! But once they were the foundation stones of an old FORT that used to stand on this knoll!"
nephews: "A FORT?"

Scrooge: "Yes! Old Fort Duckburg! It was a settler's refuge during the INDIAN WARS!"

Scrooge: "Those old pioneers had it soft! Only INDIANS to fight!"

Beagle Boy 1: "Where shall we go, fellow worms?"
Beagle Boy 2: "To the country, where the gopher holes are big enough to crawl into and hide!"

176-716: "Hey! I remember! Our Grandpa Beagle has a ranch down there somewhere!"
176-617: "Yes! It's a place where he and Grandma used to hide out from posses!"

Hound of the Whiskervilles (1959, July 11) US 29

box: It is a foggy night on the moors of Scotland! In the distance is heard the baying of a mysterious hound!"
Scrooge: "It's HIM, Donald! Like the man said, the dreaded hound of the Whiskervilles is back!"

nephew: "[...] People want to know if your GRANDFATHER also wore a silk hat!"
Scrooge: "My grandfather wore a miner's cap! But back before him, my ancestors - I've FORGOTTEN!"

nephew 1: "Now, here's a thing called an ABSTRACT! It's by the famous artist, Angus McWhisker!"
Scrooge: "It reminds me of SOMETHING!"

nephew 1: "And here's another by McWhisker! Some suc- I mean SOCIALITE just bought it for $10,000!"
Scrooge: "It must be feeding me culture! Those designs REMIND me of something!"

Scrooge: "I get it! SCOTCH PLAID! Come on! We're going to SCOTLAND!"

box: "And so -"
...: "GLASGOW!"
Scrooge: "Those paintings caused me to REMEMBER THE PAST, boys - to recall that the McDucks were once a great family CLAN in the highlands!"

Scrooge: "If I can find a piece of the caln TARTAN, I can prove my BACKGROUND is every bit as swellegant as the best in Duckburg!"
nephew: "What's a tartan, Unca Scrooge?"

Scrooge: "A *COLOR DESIGN*, boys, that clansmen wove into their plaids! Each clan's tartan was different!"
nephew: "Your family had a design of their OWN, you mean?

Scrooge: "Yes! Those two laddies' tartan is of the clan McGoose!"
nephew: "Red, green, yellow, black -"

Scrooge: "And those other lads skirling the bagpipes yonder are of the clan McElk!"
Donald: "What colors made up the tartan of the clan McDuck?"

Scrooge: "I don't know, boys! That's what I came to Scotland to find out!"
Donald: "You mean you've never seen it?"

Scrooge: "Nay, Donald! The kilts and plaids of the McDucks were lost, along with their other possessions, in the dreadful years of the hound!"
...: "The HOUND?"

Scrooge: "Yes! Long ago! I'll tell you about it sometime! Meanwhile we'll search the ruins of the old castle of the McDucks!"

box: "Next day!"
Scrooge: "Somewhere near this village was the vast fief of the McDucks! We'll stop and ask directions!"
nephew: "Golly, Unca Scrooge! What do you expect to find in the old castle?"

Scrooge: "A piece of cloth perhaps! A bit of writing - some CLUE to the design of the tartan!"

man: "Mon, ye can't mean it! You, a McDUCK, coming back NOW - at this time!"

man: "The HOUND, mon! The dreadful hound of the Whiskervilles is back on the moors!"

box: "Later, with directions, the Ducks set out foot toward the ruins of castle McDuck!"

Scrooge: "The clansmen's cottages and sheepfolds once dotted these moors! All their families werre happy until the coming of the -"

Scrooge: "Hound!"

Donald: "What on Earth did you fall into, Uncle Scrooge?"
Scrooge: "One of the ancient PIT TRAPS the clansmen dug to trap the hound!"

Scrooge: "[...] Right now I see the ruins of the castle beyond those crags!"

Scrooge: "Never have I been so frustrated! Vandals have stripped every SHRED of cloth from the ruins!"
nephew: "And the only WRITING left is thisd scratched warning - 'McDUCKS, GET OUT'!
wall: "McDucks git out!"

Scrooge: "Some WHISKERVILLE wrote that! Those oafs always coveted the McDuck's land!"

Scrooge: "Aye, Donald! There's one more lead I want to check, then we'll go back to the village!"

Scrooge: "A looting WHISKERVILLE may have made off with remnants of the McDuck tartan! I'll ask at yon cottage if any Whiskerville descendants live around!"
Donald: "Creeps! That cottage is a MILE away!"

Scrooge: "The HOUND used to stalk lonely clansmen in dusks such as this! He's spring from the heather and scatter sheep and herdsmen with fang and claw!"

Scrooge: "Legend says the beast was as TALL as a man and often ran ERECT like an ape!"

nephew 1: "Listen.... a hound is howling now!"
nephew 2: "What an UNEARTHY TONE he has - like no hound I ever heard!
nephew 3: "He's between us and the cottage - and coming closer!"

Scrooge: "It's him, all right - the dreaded hound of the Whiskervilles!"

nephew: "We'll arm ourselves with clubs and maybe we can FIGHT our way back to the village!"
Scrooge: "Clubs will do no good! The hound's thick hide turned even the SPEARS of the McDucks!"

nephew: "Now, wait a minute, Unca Scrooge! This CAN'T be the SAME HOUND that ripped the shirttails of your ancestors hundreds of YEARS ago!"

Donald: "It's no use climbing towers to elude him! He scales walls like a cat!"
hound: "Owooo!"

nephew: "The hound fell into one of the ancient PIT TRAPS!"
Scrooge: "Donald, run to the village and fetch the CONSTABLE!"

Angus: "I'm not a REAL hound! I'm just an ARTIST! I do this hound act to scare people off the moors!"

Angus: "Please help me back to my cottage! My ankle is turned badly!"

Angus: "I'm the last of the WHISKERVILLES, sir, and this armored hound suit is the one my ancestors wore when they scared the McDucks out of Scotland!"
Scrooge: "My people - scared out by a fake dog! I'm ASHAMED!"

Angus: "The Whiskervilles had always been poachers and sheep thieves, so I changed my name to McWHISKER, and became a gentleman!"

Angus: "Yes, I'm the succesful ANGUS McWHISKER, who has made a fortune painting ABSTRACTS!"
nephew: "Aha! We SEE why you don't want visitors snooping around here!"

nephew: "You've been copying your DESIGNS from this piece of plaid cloth!"

Scrooge: "Say! This is a tartan I've never seen before! And it's OLD!"

Angus: "Yes, it's the TARTAN of the clan McDuck! Probably the LAST piece of such cloth in the world!"

nephew: "After all of Unca Scrooge's trouble to become a SOCIALITE he never accepts anybody's invitations!"
Donald: "What's more, he never shows off his clan TARTAN!"
sign: "McDuck-McWhisker Studio of Modern Art"

Donald: "He and Angus McWhisker are making too much money painting abstracts to care about society!"

The Madball Pitcher (1959, September 12) OS 1095

Donald, to Gyro: "TEAM SPIRIT, Gyro! We came to get you to PITCH for the Duckburg Southsiders in the annual charity game against the Northsiders!"

Gyro: "I-I haven't pitched a baseball in YEARS, Donald!"
Donald: "We know! But you used to be quite a star in your schooldays!"

Gyro: "Yes - I had a curve called the MADBALL! Nobody could hit it when I was hot!"
Donald: "We expect you to be HOT tomorrow for the Southsiders!"

Donald: "Beating the Northsiders is more important than ANY invention!"
nephews: "Come along with us to the sandslot, Gyro, and get in some PRACTICE!"

box: "Every year Duckburg's two picked-up teams battle for the Milk Fund charity! They have only one day's practice but lots of go-to-itiveness!"

nephew: "And look at their pitcher practicing fancy curves!"
Donald: "Hey! That's Knuckleball Noogan, the big league PROFESSIONAL!"

Gyro: "A *PROFESSIONAL* that's not FAIR to the Southsiders!"
Donald: "Sure it isn't Gyro! But we're not afraid! Not while we have YOU and your MADBALL!"

box: "Soom at the sandlot!"
Gyro: "I hope you teammates don't depend too much on my pitching! My arm is a mite RUSTY!"
sound: "SQUEEEK"

voice: "STRIKE THREE!"
teammate: "You call that RUSTY, Gyro? You've struck out every player on the Southside team!"

Donald" Your madball is the real end, Gyro! All of us batters miss it a foot!"
Gyro: "Madball?.. I've been throwing nothing but STRAIGHT balls!

teammate 1: "My stars! Are we THAT bad?"
teammate 2: "If we can't hit STRAIGHT pitches, how will we fare against Knuckleball Noogan?"
teammate 3: "We'll LOSE the game, and Southsider will cringe in shame forever!"

Noogan: "That's just ONE of my curve balls, Gyro! I thought I'd WARN your puny pals on what to expect!"

Donald: "We'll see you at the ballpark tomorrow, Gyro!"

man: "Knuckleball Noogan can't pitch tomorrow! He's got a CONCUSSION!"
sign: Northside Social Club

persons: "Oh, oh! That means we Northsiders gotta get us ANOTHER PITCHER!"

person 1: "How about getting GYRO GEARLOOSE? He used to be a big star in school!"
person 2: "Haven't you heard? He's pitching for Southside!"

person 1: "He CAN'T be! Gyro's a NORTHSIDER!"
person 2: "His shop is on the southside, and he LIVES on the southside!"

person: "That doesn't mean a thing! Take a look at this!"

person: "He was BORN on the northside!"
sign: "Birthplace of Gyro Gearloose inventor of topless hats"

box: "So -"
person 1: "That means, Gyro, that YOU have to pitch for NORTHSIDE tomorrow!"
person 2: "And you're going to fan EVERY Southsider with your famous madball, or you'll be SORR-EE!"
Gyro: "Y-Yes, sir! Y-yes, S-SIRS!"

Gyro: "I've never been so buzzed by Troubleville in my life!"

The Village Blacksmith (1960, January 15) WDC 239

box: "Under the spreading chestnut tree the Duckburg smithy stands!"

Donald: "Oh, my sainted aunt Pin Tail!"

Donald: "MAYOR Hog and the city council!"
Mayor Hog: "Donald, today Duckburg fetes *100 YEARS OF PEACE*! And we've planned a fitting ceremony!"
councillor: "We're going to have you melt down Old Cannon Number One and pound it into PLOWSHARES!"

Donald: "You mean the old cannon up there on Battlement Hill? I'm to pound IT into PLOWSHARES?"
...: "Yes, it's warlike days are over! Fetch it down and melt it in your forge!"

Mayor Hog: "Up on that hill General Stonewall Duck fought the battle that saved Duckburg!"
councillor: "His glory will be honored by the plowshares you make from his stout old cannon!"

(statue of General Stonewall Duck)

nephew: "What on Earth did Number One fall into, Unca Donald?"

Donald: "The old Duckburg COAL MINE!"

box: "Downtown!"
Mayor Hog: "On this day one hundred years ago Duckburg signed the treaty of peace! The war was over! The last cannon shot rang from the top of Battlement Hill!"

Mayor Hog: "To the smithy! There to dine and sing beneath the spreading chestnut tree!"

nephew: "Do you suppose anybody ever looked to see if this cannon is LOADED?"


Donald: "I-I guess nobody ever DID!"

citizens: "Run for your lifes!"
Mayor Hog: "The treaty has been broken!"

That's No Fable (1960, May 12) US 32

Grandma: "You're trying to kid your old grandma!"
two nephews: "We MEAN it, Grandma! Unca Scrooge could have bought the fountain of youth for FORTY DOLLARS!"

Scrooge: "You're TOO young, Donald! Before you reached the other bank you'd be turned into an EGG!"

Scrooge: "This spring is the FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, Donald! And that lagoon water is the WRINKLER REMOVER of all time!
Donald: "Who told you that FABLE - those boys?"

nephew: "Yes, Unca Donald, and we BELIEVE them!"
Scrooge: "That water will turn you back into an egg!"

The Training Farm Fuss (1960, August 8) OS 1161 (art-only)

Grandma: "Gladstone Gander! What brings YOU to my farm?"

Gladstone: "BUSINESS, Grandma! Don't mind, do you?"
Grandma: "You're welcome, Gladstone - but BUSINESS? Why, I thought you were so LUCKY you didn't have to work!"

The Day the Farm Stood Still (1960, August 8) OS 1161

Grandma: "(Gulp!) Even my grandfather's grandfather clock is stopped!"

Log Jockey (1962, March 15) WDC 267

box: "In a dither of curiosity about his kinfolks, Donald is driving hither and thither tracing the limbs of the Duck family tree!"
Donald: "I read in our album that we have a distant cousin named Whitewater Duck living in this forest!"
nephew: "Let him stay distant, Unca Donald! We don't like the idea of tracing down relatives you've never met!"

nephew 1: "Some of these cousins may be real creeps!"
nephew 2: "And, remember, when most relatives greet you with their hand out, they expect you to put something in it!"

Donald: "Aw, I'm sure cousin Whitewater is a pleasant fellow who'd be GLAD to have us stop just to say hello!"
sign: "W. Duck timber claim"

Whitewater: "And YOU take that! I'll be FIRST on the river with my logs, Black Pierre!"
nephew: "Ulp! I guess that ax wasn't intended for YOU, Unca Donald!"

Donald: "Your COUSIN from Duckburg - DONALD DUCK!"
Whitewater: "Cousin? Never heard of you!"

Whitewater: "Sure, but you won't let your old cousin down, will you, Donald? Us Ducks ALWAYS stick together!"

Whitewater: "I know, I know, cousin! But we RELATIVES always help each other out when one's in a bind! Now you take this peavy and -"

Donald: "I-I guess maybe cousin Whitewater would help ME if I was in a jam!"
nephew: "Somehow your cousins are never around at such times!"

nephew 1: "We've got cousin Whitewater's brand burned on all of his logs!"
nephew 2: "What's next?"

The Invisible Intruder (1962, December 26) US 44 (art-only)

box: "When Uncle Scrooge was a duckling his family was very poor! His only bed was a dresser drawer!"
Scrooge: "I hereby vow that I will buy a BIG BED - with SPRINGS yet - as soon as I can earn the money!"

Scrooge: "But, oh me! I can only shine shoes so fast and no faster!"
sign: 5 c[ents]

Scrooge: "Unless - hey! Why not shine whole ROWS of shoes with mass mechanization?"

box: "And so Uncle Scrooge's first production line was born!"
Scrooge: "All of this marvelous machinery comes from my desire for a better BED!"
sign: Shine 4 c[ents]

box: "In no time little Scrooge had one!"
Scrooge: "Z... with SPRINGS yet!... ZZZ"

box: "But as he grew bigger, his desires grew bigger, too!

box: "So little Scrooge moved his mass production system into a different business - wood sawing!"
Scrooge: "Four cords of wood equals four dollars! Four dollars equals four inches of bed!"

box: "As his wealth grew, his desire for roomier beds also grew!"

Lost Beneath the Sea (1963, May 27) US 46

Scrooge: "I know! I'll get my nephew, Donald, and my grandnephews, Huey, Louie, and Dewey, to sail with me!"

The Not-so-ancient Mariner (1966, January 5) WDC 312

Daisy: "I must hurry along! We sail tomorrow - Aunt Drusilla and I!

Daisy: "My AUNT DRUSILLA bought my ticket, boys!"
Drusilla: "I was rewarding Daisy for being sharp at poetry!"

King Scrooge the First (1966, June 22) US 71

box: "Uncle Scrooge battling bronze age Mongolduks in the royal palace of ancient Sagbad!... What got him into that jam?"

Swami Khan Khan: "Come inside! Let the mystic wisdom of old Sagbad x-ray your futures!"
Scrooge: "Ignore him, kids! Fortune-tellers' "futures" are unmystical LIES!"

nephew: "But, unca Scrooge, this swami must be very WISE! The sign says he's over FOUR THOUSAND years old!"
Scrooge: "That PROVES he's a liar, kids! Ignore him!"
sign: "Swami Khan Khan born 2050 B.C."

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "That VOICE - I've HEARD it before!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "The exact inflection! The unmistakable whirr of vowels grinding the edges off consonants!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "Odd that my ears should sort that particular voice from the billions I've heard in full chatter!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "Odd! Schmodd! I've been LISTENING for it for thirty-nine centuries!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "If my theory is right, only a full CARRIER of certain ancient genes can speak that tone!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "And in those genes should be recollections from the sly brain of that first carrier of four thousand years ago!"

Swami Khan Khan, to Scrooge: "Oh, great duck, your brain is a storehouse of ancient mysteries! Let me divine its fabulous secrets!"
Donald: "Something UNKHANNY about Swami Khan Khan!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "The lost riches of MANY KINGDOMS are in that old duck's head - I'd be willing to wager!"

Scrooge: "Wak! Where are we?"
Swami Khan Khan: "In a city I hope you'll REMEMBER, old duck - SAGBAD, capital of long ago Fatcatstan!"

Swami Khan Khan: "Save your breath, ducks! There have been no police in Sagbad since 2033 B.C.!"

Swami Khan Khan: "Fiery as your ancient ancestor, aren't you, old duck?"

Scrooge: "By the way, WHY did you bring us to this terrible non-place, Swami?"
Swami Khan Khan: "To put you on the trail of a KINGDOM'S LOST WEALTH, like I said before!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "I'll just wait here till THIRST forces those ducks to drink my chemical MEMORY JOLTER!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "One time this desert was a fertile plain! I remember it well!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "And I think that old duck will, too - if he will only drink that WATER!"

Donald: "Oh, boy! Oh, boy! That makes me feel like a NEW duck!"
Scrooge: "Me, too... like somebody ENTIRELY different!"

box: "In a moment the stimulated memory cells in the ducks' genes have transported them back in mind many centuries to a bustling day in old Sagbad..."
Scrooge-shah: "What day is this, merchant?"
merchant: "The seventh day of the month of Tishri, o great king Scrooge-shah!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "Success! The old duck is indeed the near-reincarnation of ancient king Scrooge-shah!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "And those nephews were long ago PRINCES of the royal dynasty! Watch them "shop" in a marketplace that only their memory genes can see!"

Scrooge-shah: "It's a great in the bazaars, prince Donduk!"
Donduk: "Fresh caravans have arrived with silks from Cathay, jewels from Egypt!"

Donduk: "And wow! A new shipment of slave girls from Chaldea!"

box: "Suddenly a sentry runs in from the hills..."
sentry: "Eeya! Eeya! Fatcatstan is INVADED!"

man 1: "Man the walls! It's an attacking army of Visigeese or something!"
man 2: "Maybe Vandalcoots or Elamduks!"

Scrooge-shah: "Oh-oh! Another SIEGE is coming up! My whole day is ruined!"

Scrooge-shah: "Back to the palace, princes! We've got to pack up the royal knickknacks!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "Heh-heh! I timed their visit to prehistory perfectly! Those ducks are about to act out the last hours of ancient Sagbad!"

Swami Khan Khan, thinking: "Keep on re-enacting that big fight, ducks! Pretty soon you'll show me what finally BECAME of that TREASURE!"

Scrooge-shah: "From now on, it's you princes and me against whoever that army is outside!"

sub-prince 1: "Who could they be - Sumerians?"
sub-prince 2: "Gobblegoths? Assyrians?"

sub-princes, singing: "They are enemies on every hand...
who'd like revenge on Fatcatstan!"

Scrooge-shah: "This is awful! Those looters have weapons made with the terrible new metal, BRONZE!"

voice: "Open up, king Scrooge-shah! We want back the loot you took from our capital!"

sub-prince 1, singing: "Now, what capital could that be?"
sub-prince 2, singing: "And what loot do they mean?"
sub-prince 3, singing: "King Scrooge-shah has looted half the world that's yet been seen!"

sub-prince 1, singing: "Oh, he pillaged Parthegenia, Galatia, and Armenia!"
sub-princes 2 & 3, singing: "He made a mush of Hindu-kush and robbed the medians blind!"

sub-princes 1 & 2, singing: "He took the bucks of the poor Seljuks, and left not a cent behind!"

Scrooge-shah, thinking: "Always, always it's this way! The younger generation makes fun of their elders' occupations!"

King Khan Khan: "The jig is up, king Scrooge! I'm here to avenge the sacking of Samarkand!"

sub-prince: "That's a war we overlooked!"
Scrooge-shah: "Can't we make a DEAL, general?

King Khan Khan: "General? I'm KING Khan Khan of the Mongolduks! Take THIS for a deal, you -"

Swami Khan Khan: "Boy! I was in a bad spot there! I still remember my goose pimples after forty centuries!"

Swami Khan Khan: "My soldiers couldn't get through to help me! I *HAD TO* make a deal with old Scrooge-shah!"

Scrooge-shah, to King Khan Khan: "ONE chest out of that pile to ransom my kingdom! I'll take that offer, Mongolduk!"

Scrooge-shah: "Nothing's in the chest but two small URNS and some beads!"
King Khan Khan: "LOOKS worthless, I admit!"

King Khan Khan: "But this BLUE POWDER was developed by a late WIZARD of our tribe! I'm glad you haven't disturbed it!"

King Khan Khan: "NOW I AM INVINCIBLE! Now nothing can harm me! That was the power of EVERLASTING LIFE!"

King Khan Khan: "In other words, I will live FOREVER! ... And I'll start the fun by cancelling our DEAL!"
Scrooge-shah: "That's not fair! Sagbad would be FINISHED!"

Swami Khan Khan: "So THAT'S IT! An invisible "door" through solid rock!... And I searched the TUNNELS under Sagbad for hundreds of years!"

Scrooge-shah: "Heh-heh! Those looters will take Sagbad apart brick by brick and never find this!"

sub-prince: "That's all, King Scrooge-shah! Let's scram!"
Scrooge-shah: "Coming! First I'll take one of these Sumerian COINS for good luck!"

Scrooge-shah: "Now to use our ESCAPE TUNNEL!"

Duckmade Disaster (1971, July 30) JW 14

box: "Several months back THIS was happening in Duckburg - a PROTEST march!"

nephew 1: "Something about restoring an old house, general Louie!"
nephew 2: "Cornelius Coot's cabin! The FIRST HOUSE in Duckburg!"
sign: "Restore the old Coot house!"

man 1: "Cornelius Coot FOUNDED Duckburg!"
man 2: "His homestead should be a SHRINE!"
woodchuck leader: "Get that historic site BACK for the people!"

man with top hat: "The flood did Duckburg a priceless FAVOR!"
man 2: "It UNCOVERED the REAL SITE of Cornelius Coot's old homestead!"

man with top hat: "THERE's his house...washed clean...where it has been BURIED under the city dump since 1882!"

[to be continued]
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Postby Egg » Mon Apr 24, 2006 12:58 am



# Duck Family Tree [1] (early 1950s)

Barks, 1991:
- evidently whipped out without a great deal of serious thinking
- It jibes closely with my new tree [2], of which I enclose an UPDATED copy [3] that shows the two differ only in the origin of Gus Goose.
- [Goosetave or Goosetail] I will vote for Goosetave. It sounds more North European, the natural home latitudes of ducks and geese.


Construction of tree:

Old "Scotty" Mcduck

> Matilda McDuck m. Goostave Gander
>> adopted Gladstone, orphan son of Donald's aunt Daphne

> Scrooge McDuck $

> Hortense McDuck [+ Quackmore Duck]
>> Thelma Duck
>>> Huey, Dewey, and Louie
>> Donald Duck

Grandma Duck

> Don's father, Quackmore duck [+ Hortense McDuck]
>> Thelma Duck
>>> Huey, Dewey, and Louie
>> Donald Duck

> Don's aunt Daphne, married Luke the Goose *
one son. Gladstone. he was ophaned when Daphne and Luke overate at a free lunch picnic

* Gus Goose was a nephew of Luke the Goose. making him a very distant "_cousin_" of Donald

# Tree [2] (1991, March)

Barks, 1991:
- spend hours combing the pages of the CBL for stories with references to family relatives
- exchange between Don and Gladstone ("Race to the South Seas")
- Finally I had to contruct the "Tree" which I enclose here and which uses Grandma as the point of origin.
- In it I have Donald's MOTHER be Scrooge's sister. Somehow it works.


Construction of tree:

Grandma Duck

> daughter. wed a Goose. hatched
>> Gus Goose (Don's cousin)

> daughter. wed a Gander. hatched
>> Gladstone Gander (Don's cousin)

> son. (Don's father) wed M.McDuck, sister of Scrooge McDuck. hatched
>> Donald
>> Don's sister
>>> Huey. Dewey, Louie

thus Uncle Scrooge is Donald's uncle on his mother's side.
Gladstone is donald's cousin
Gladstone's mother's brother is don's father,
who's wife's brother is Scrooge McDuck.
Gladstone is the son of Scrooge McDuck's
sister's sister-in-law

There's no reference to the old family tree [1] in CBL. It "jibes closely" with this new tree, of which Barks send an "UPDATE" [3].

# Tree [3] April 1991, more or less

Barks, 1991:
- Thanks for sending the "legendary" family tree [1], which I recognize as my work and which I evidently whipped out without a great deal of serious thinking. It jibes closely with my new tree[2], of which I enclose an UPDATED copy that shows the two differ only in the origin of Gus Goose.
- Please let me know how the updated duck family tree strikes you.

Construction of tree:


Descriptions by the owner, Don Rosa:
"The revised Family Tree [3] he then sent me was the same as the one you see [2] in that album #42, only he eliminated Gus Goose and Grandma's second daughter from the Tree, and added "Old Scotty" McDuck and $crooge's two sisters back -- so this apparently acted as a reaffirmation of the 1950's Tree [1] with the elimination of that aforementioned complication involving Gladstone." [parents dying of overeating at a free picnic]
"But the specific item you desire to see can be imagined easily enough -- the second revised Tree that Barks sent me was a xerox of the first new one he'd sent, only with "Old Scotty", Matilda and Hortense penciled in on one side, and Gus Goose and his mother scratched off the other. There were no names for Grandma's children added..."
(DCML, 23 September 2003)

The 1950s Duck Family Tree [1] mentions that Gladstone's parents died at a free lunch picnic. Rosa mentions this as a complication. However, there's a precedent in Barks's 'The Old Castle Secret' of 1948, which learns that ancestor Sir Roast McDuck died from overeating after robbing the king's pantry. (5.7)

- comics quotes taken from publications in 'The Carl Barks Library'
- first tree is taken from "Feature page - The Duck Family Tree" ('The Carl Barks Library' set 6)
- second tree and Barks's comments are taken from 'Raiders of the Lost Barks', article by Geoffrey Blum, 1998 (Uncle Scrooge Adventures No. 42 - Isle of Golden Geese)
- description of the third and final tree is taken from an email by Don Rosa, sent to the Disney Comics Mailing List on 23 September 2003 (DCML Digest, Vol 7, Issue 45)

Additions, corrections, etc.? Let us know!

Edit: URLS of images changed from hotlinks to internal links.
The old links are:
Last edited by Egg on Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby jaen Stone » Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:49 am

Whats is here the intention???
ik hoor eigelijk John Brick te heten.
jaen Stone
Posts: 47
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Postby Robb_K » Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:03 pm

jaen Stone wrote:Whats is here the intention???

To list all the relatives of The Ducks as it would be on his family tree (een lijst van Donald Ducks familie uit het stamboom)
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Postby jaen Stone » Sat Jun 03, 2006 8:47 am

En ik moet het allemaal vertalen om het te begrijpen, ik wil het wel vertalen omdat dat nau heel intresant is.
ik hoor eigelijk John Brick te heten.
jaen Stone
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Joined: Tue May 30, 2006 11:48 am

Postby Rockerduck » Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:39 pm

If you don't understand any English, than for the love of God, please don't try to participate in an English forum and just stick to the Dutch section! Here, you have to typ in English and not in Dutch!
Posts: 262
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Postby Egg » Sun Jun 04, 2006 12:09 am

Rockerduck wrote:If you don't understand any English, than for the love of God, please don't try to participate in an English forum and just stick to the Dutch section! Here, you have to typ in English and not in Dutch!

Rockerduck, I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. If you mess with the family, you will be sleeping with the fishes..

I say this only once. (bling bling!)
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Postby Aeon Fluxx » Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:55 am

Egg, you've got great character...but Rockerduck is right.
Aeon Fluxx

Postby Egg » Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:25 pm

frog-jumping contest (1949, April 14) WDC 108

"Hop in, infants! We're going out to cousin Gus's tule bog!"
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Postby Egg » Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:11 pm

The Gilded Man (1952, January 31) OS 422

employee Dockside post office: "Miss Susiebelle Swan, 60 Honker Street, Mudhen, Ohio, U.S.A."

employee Dockside post office: "Here! If miss Swan is still living, perhaps you can recover the letter from her!"

employee Mudhen post office: "No!... No miss Susiebelle Swan lives at that address!"

employee Mudhen post office: "She left in 1880! Gave a forwarding address of 10 Quack Road, Webfoot, Oregon!"

employee Webfoot post office: "No!.. No miss Susiebelle Swan lives at that address!"

employee Webfoot post office: "She floated away in 1901! Said to forward her mail to 45 Mallard Avenue, Duckburg, Calisota!"

nephew 1: "DUCKBURG!"
nephew 2: "That's our"
nephew 3: "HOME TOWN!"

Donald: "Now drive out to 45 Mallard Avenue and see if our Swan has flown!"

Donald: "Uh, oh! Big factory here now!"
[name: Gizmo tool and...]

employee Duckburg post office: "No mail for you today, Gladstone - but there's a letter here -"

employee Duckburg post office: "It's to your late distant relative, miss Susiebelle Swan! I believe she named you her sole HEIR!"
Gladstone Gander: "That's right!"

employee Duckburg post office: "Then I reckon YOU get the letter! Can't think of anyone who's more ENTITLED to it!"
Posts: 550
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:19 am

Postby Egg » Sat May 05, 2007 8:15 pm

woodpecker photographing (1945, February 2) WDC 57

Donald: "My own mother wouldn't know me now!"
Posts: 550
Joined: Fri Apr 14, 2006 11:19 am

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