
Berichtdoor Ei » ma feb 23, 2009 3:25 pm

Van Disney Comics Mailing List:
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 02:27:14 -0700
From: "Brian Tucker"
Subject: Gemstone problems
To: dcml

Perhaps the following may explain the continuing absence of Gemstone's
Disney comics:

According to comics blogger Heidi MacDonald, Gemstone allegedly is being
sued for unpaid printing bills. According to MacDonald, "California debt
collection agency Creditors Trade Association is suing Gemstone, Diamond,
and Geppi for $373,000.00 on behalf of Global Interprint, the print broker
for many of Gemstone's deluxe editions. According to court documents,
Gemstone owes the money for the printing bills..."

This is not good news. I hope the situation is rectified soon.

De "continuing absence of Gemstone's Disney comics"? Heeft Ei iets gemist?
Berichten: 1826
Geregistreerd: zo dec 31, 2006 6:55 pm

Berichtdoor Ei » do maart 05, 2009 4:58 pm

Van Disney Comics Mailing List:
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 17:41:01 -0700
From: Gary Leach
Subject: Whither Gemstone
To: dcml


Everyone here is aware of the interruption in publication, so that
much is old news. Will publication resume? I have to say I have no
idea. There are reasons to think they will, there are reasons to
think they won't, and many things that don't easily fall on either side.

Possibly there are some things I know that aren't otherwise known
outside the company, but taken as a whole I don't think there's
anything I could relate that would give anyone a better idea of what
the future holds than he or she has now.

I know that probably sounds like a whole lotta nuthin', but that's
what I got.

Berichten: 1826
Geregistreerd: zo dec 31, 2006 6:55 pm

Berichtdoor Ei » vr maart 27, 2009 2:35 pm

Van Disney Comics Mailing List:
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 18:08:04 -0700
From: Gary Leach
Subject: Gemstone Disneys
To: dcml

Well, it didn't even take two months, and some of you may already
know that Gemstone is not renewing the Disney comics license, and
won't be putting out any more issues since the last ones that reached
the shops (I don't recollect the issue numbers). Disney is looking
for someone else to take the license, and I believe they have some
candidates, but nothing's anything like nailed down at this point.

For Sue and myself it was close to a quarter-century run (with
hiatuses), but all good things come to an end, I guess.

Berichten: 1826
Geregistreerd: zo dec 31, 2006 6:55 pm

Berichtdoor Ei » wo apr 01, 2009 3:50 pm

Van Disney Comics Mailing List:
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 10:42:00 -0700
From: Gary Leach
Subject: Gemstone Disney comics
To: dcml

Thank you all for your postings of sadness and sympathy for the
passing of the Gemstone Disney comics. I wish experience had granted
me a crystal ball that allowed me to see the future of the classic
characters in comic book form in the USA, but like the rest of you I
can only wait and see what may or may not develop.

If another publisher does pick up the license, they'll have quite a
challenge on their hands. Our best hope is that the license will be
taken by a publisher that is up to that challenge, and our fondest
wish must be that they will not only be up to it but exceed it. There
are some, to my mind, that would be (though I won't name names lest I
erroneously raise any hopes). It's the least our beloved Mickey,
Donald, Scrooge, et al, deserve.

Will there be a role for John, Sue, David and/or myself in a future
such endeavor? Right now there's just no way to know, or even really
to guess.

Berichten: 1826
Geregistreerd: zo dec 31, 2006 6:55 pm

Berichtdoor jan Baksteen » ma apr 13, 2009 9:04 pm

Ja, klopt het nou echt dat de Amerikaanse uitgever ''gemstone'' er mee is gestopt??
Kwek heeft een vlekje in z'n pupil, Kwik heeft een rimpel op z'n duim en Kwak heeft een raar sproetje
jan Baksteen
Berichten: 479
Geregistreerd: di feb 06, 2007 8:22 pm

Berichtdoor Ei » di apr 14, 2009 1:01 am

jan Baksteen schreef:Ja, klopt het nou echt dat de Amerikaanse uitgever ''gemstone'' er mee is gestopt??

Volgens Gemstone-medewerker Gary Leach is de Amerikaanse uitgever Gemstone gestopt. Daardoor verschijnen daar nu geen nieuwe Disney strips meer. (Of er moeten daar elders nog wat titels zijn, in de richting van Kim Possible of zo?) Dit betekent dat er wereldwijd nog amper Disney strips in het Engels zijn. En de nieuwe Carl Barks Library zal ook wel van de baan zijn.

Van Disney Comics Mailing List:
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 10:55:59 -0700
From: Gary Leach
Subject: Gemstoners
To: dcml


> Which brings me to something that people have skirted around, but
> I've not seen anyone address directly: I am currently even worried
> more about the livelihoods of our friends there at Gemstone than
> the comics.

Thanks for your well-expressed concern, Chuck. It's been a rough
season, no question about that, so any good thoughts you and anyone
else sends along will be much appreciated.

Leaving the rest to speak for themselves, whenever and however they
choose, I'll just say that Sue and I are doing okay. We've adapted
pretty well to the freelance life, and while it ain't exactly the
road to riches it does have it perks.

Berichten: 1826
Geregistreerd: zo dec 31, 2006 6:55 pm

Berichtdoor Duckfan van Down Under » do mei 07, 2009 5:51 pm

jan Baksteen schreef:Ja, klopt het nou echt dat de Amerikaanse uitgever ''gemstone'' er mee is gestopt??

Ja. Bah. Net bij WDC 698. Vlak voor de 700.
Duckfan van Down Under
Berichten: 3852
Geregistreerd: ma sep 08, 2008 8:45 pm

Berichtdoor Carl Rosa » do mei 14, 2009 11:53 pm

De nieuwe Carl Barks Library in kleur is inderdaad gecancelled.
Carl Rosa
Berichten: 330
Geregistreerd: do mei 14, 2009 10:04 pm

Berichtdoor Ei » do mei 28, 2009 4:03 pm

Van Disney Comics Mailing List:
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 16:15:08 +0200
From: Francesco Spreafico
Subject: Boom acquires rights?

According to Rich Johnston, they have:


I understand that Boom Studios has won the comic book license for
"Walt Disney Comics And Stories," "Mickey Mouse And Friends," "Life
and Times of Scrooge McDuck," "Donald Duck" and more.
Boom has recently shown much promise with its well received Disney
Pixar and "Muppet Show" comic books, and this seems reward for its
Both titles were previously published by Steve Geppi's Gemstone, a
publisher that has been seen to be suffering of late.
Expect to see this reflected in solicitations shortly.

Berichten: 1826
Geregistreerd: zo dec 31, 2006 6:55 pm

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